Victor Redtail

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Fursuit Name: Victor Redtail
Database ID: 1865
Added: 2009-12-19
Last updated: 2011-04-18
Nb views: 3480
Species: bird , hawk
Gender: Male
Built by: Brio , Onai WolfWind , Zrcalo
Description: Red-Tailed Hawk Fursuit done by Lazy Wolf Crations
Owner: sawblade5   
List fursuits owned by sawblade5
Created: 2010-02-12
First appearance: Anthrocon 2010
Cons attended: AC2010 , AC2011 , MFF2010 , MFM2010
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 25
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: The Head features a Hidden Zipper on the back for maintaining the inside of the head and for much faster drying time when worn.
Brown Eyes Like a Real red-tailed hawk with white spots.
The Beak is Yellow and black.
The Hands (Wing Tips) are Feathered instead of scaled.
The Beak is currently Semi Movable
The spots on the chest are placed near the top.

Notes: Red-Tailed Hawk Full Fursuit owned by Sawblade5. Bodysuit with attached tail was created by Onai-Wolfwind with the airbrusing spots on the bodysuit and tail done by Brio/Furbications. The head which is a 2nd version was completely done by Zrcalo.
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