Loki Wolf

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Fursuit Name: Loki Wolf
Database ID: 2122
Added: 2010-05-20
Last updated: 2016-01-13
Nb views: 3448
Species: wolf
Gender: Female
Built by: Loki Wolf
Owner: Loki Wolf   
List fursuits owned by Loki Wolf
Created: 2010-05-18
First appearance: :3
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: digitigrade
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Playful she wolf. Loves being with her friends.
Notes: my first attempt at making a fur suit. (in the process of finishing Loki and 3 of her closest friends - Terpher the turtle, Gimlet the cat, Giggles the hyena. there will be 7 of us total, so far.
Suit Journal:
soon to be a full suit. eyes still need finished as does the head details. Just added eyebrows. whiskers, and lip yesterday.(5/24) she now has long white pile throat hair. will be finishing her "follow me eyes" this week. 6/8- eyes have been finished. hair is done, teeth still need made. and inside of mouth needs finished. Loki is now a partial suit. :3


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