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Fursuit Name: Ohmere
Database ID: 3334
Added: 2012-06-30
Last updated: 2012-07-06
Nb views: 1077
Species: dragon
Gender: Male
Built by:
Description: Royal blue body and head with a light blue chest. Large, red wings and spines going down the back and tail.
Owner: Ohmere   
List fursuits owned by Ohmere
Created: 2011-06-01
First appearance: CF2012
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: 3D eyes , foam head
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Ohmere is a very kind and caring dragon who doesn't like seeing other people being upset or in distress.
He will try to help or comfort them if he can.
If He can't, he will keep an eye on them from afar and make sure that they're alright.
Quite a trustworthy dragon although he does tend to be a bit of an airhead. He is also quite eager to make new fur-friends.
Wouldn't even hurt a fly... well, only when the fly isn't buzzing RIGHT in his EAR!
Has great respect for Uncle Kage, 2 Gryphon, Ari, Buddy, Flux, Skroy, Twitch Da Woof and a whole bunch of other furries.
He is great friends with Hoppa' the 'Roo, Siro the Wolf-boy and Codey the wolf-(boy?)
Notes: I am building up my Dragon costume and hopefully I will have a pair of wings fully made before the next ConFuzzled in 2013. But dont hold your breath.
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