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Fursuit Name: Locado
Database ID: 1030
Added: 2008-08-01
Last updated: 2010-03-11
Nb views: 2064
Species: raccoon
Gender: Male
Built by: Locado
Description: Just a Cute Cuddly Coon
Owner: locado   
List fursuits owned by locado
Created: 2008-06-01
First appearance: Anthrocon 2008
Cons attended: AC2006 , AC2007 , AC2008 , AC2009 , FFRIGHT2009 , MFF2008 , MFF2009
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes , balaclava head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Hi! Hai! Hello! Hullo! Hurro! Hewwo! Other words for greetings! My name is Locado.

Most know me well to be the lovable and huggable raccoon with caramel colored fur, green eyes, and a fair amount of earrings. Usually very quiet, shy, curious, and independent, but can be silly and cuddly from time to time, even a bit mischievous.

I am a very quiet and shy individual and am very timid. Normally cuddly or snuggly, easily amused, silly, sometimes a brat and can be very very independent when I want time for myself. I have been told that I am cute, adorable, sweet, and a pleasure to have around by several of my close friends, though that is up for you to decide.
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