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Fursuit Name: Fidget
Database ID: 1056
Added: 2008-08-19
Last updated: 2008-08-19
Nb views: 3908
Gender: Female
Built by: A. Venable, aka Samiya
Description: a mixed up critter
Owner: Samiya   
List fursuits owned by Samiya
Created: 2008-02-24
First appearance: Lupine Fox's Halloween furmeet
Cons attended: FFRIGHT2008 , FWA2009
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: mesh head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Notes: Fidget is my first full fursuit. I built her in the total time of less than a week, over the course of several months. She's still being tweaked, and will be updated in the near future. ... As for the species, yes, it's a "fidget." There are no less than 4 different species in her make up (dog, cat, kangaroo, unicorn, etc), so rather than list them all, just calling her a new species is easier. :3
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