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Fursuit Name: Polo
Database ID: 112
Added: 2006-09-29
Last updated: 2014-09-05
Nb views: 2168
Species: tiger
Gender: Male
Built by: TigerNick
Description: Polo - He's a tiger..
Owner: TigerNick   
List fursuits owned by TigerNick
Created: 2006-08-29
First appearance: Mephit Fur Meet '06
Cons attended: FWA2006 , FWA2007 , FWA2008 , FWA2009 , FWA2010 , FWA2011 , MFM2006 , RCFM2006 , RCFM2007
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: mesh head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Polo is a fun loving young tiger who will play with just about any object! He really likes Balloons, and will more than likely be toting a few around. Come give hugs and nose kisses - He LOVES attention, and the Camera!!
Try yelling 'Marco' at him. He loves it!
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