Cactus Jack Coyote

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Fursuit Name: Cactus Jack Coyote
Database ID: 1173
Added: 2008-10-12
Last updated: 2011-08-17
Nb views: 4536
Species: coyote
Gender: Male
Built by: Ocicat
Owner: Wildfox   
List fursuits owned by Wildfox
Created: 2008-08-27
First appearance: Memphit Furmeet 2008
Cons attended: FCN2009 , FCN2010 , MFF2008 , MFM2008 , MFM2009 , MFM2010
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: balaclava head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: He's a rough and tumbling coyote out of the southwest region who has made his way to the midwest. Enjoying pulling pranks, even at the costs of his own bruising, he'll do whatever it takes to get a laugh.
Notes: This is the 2nd version of CJ Yote. Don't remember who built the head as it bounced between a couple owners before I obtained it.
Suit Journal:
Suit was retired and sold at the beginning of 2011.


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