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Fursuit Name: Roxie
Database ID: 1175
Added: 2008-10-15
Last updated: 2009-01-16
Nb views: 3906
Species: dog
Gender: Female
Built by: Kilcodo
Description: Punk-rock aussie bitch, arf arf arf!
Owner: Kilcodo   
List fursuits owned by Kilcodo
Created: 2008-12-31
First appearance:
Cons attended: FWA2009
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: balaclava head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Roxie is an aussie shepherd, butch, punk rock girl! She's got floppy ears, big parade sole footpaws, a large guage septum piercing, follow-me eyes and arm-length handgloves.
Notes: This is VERSION II of Roxie. The first version was made in June of 2008 and is now scrapped.
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