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Fursuit Name: Cathlamet
Database ID: 1212
Added: 2008-11-05
Last updated: 2010-08-11
Nb views: 11163
Species: wolf
Gender: Female
Built by: Matrices
Description: She was named after the ferry, Cathlamet, which sails between Mukilteo and Clinton (off the South end of Whidbey Island, which is the island I live on in Washington). She loves to blow bubbles, and enjoy the great outdoors.
Owner: Matrices   
List fursuits owned by Matrices
Created: 2008-09-17
First appearance: Rainfurrest 2008
Cons attended: FC2010 , RAINF2008 , RAINF2009 , RAINF2010
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head , digitigrade
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Built with a foam head, digitigrade legs, feet-the-size-of-her-head, and other cool features. :3 The tail has a squeaker in its tip, and the footpaws leave pawprints on the ground when wet.
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