Fursuit Name: | Twitch Da Woof Ver2 |
Database ID: | 1406 |
Added: | 2009-03-04 |
Last updated: | 2015-09-17 |
Nb views: | 6142 |
Species: | wolf |
Gender: | Male |
Built by: | WhiteWolf |
Description: | Attitude filled jackass of a punk wolf |
Owner: | TwitchDaWoof |
Created: | 2007-05-24 |
First appearance: | Anthrocon 2007 |
Cons attended: | AC2008 , AC2009 , AC2010 , AC2011 , AC2012 , AC2013 , AC2014 , AC2015 , FC2012 , FCN2009 , FCN2010 , FCN2011 , FCN2012 , FCN2013 , FFRIGHT2008 , FFRIGHT2009 , FFRIGHT2010 , FFRIGHT2011 , FFRIGHT2012 , FFRIGHT2013 , FURLAX2012 , FURLAX2013 , FWA2009 , FWA2012 , FWA2013 , FWA2014 , INDYFC2010 , INDYFC2011 , INDYFC2012 , INDYFC2013 , INDYFC2015 , MFF2008 , MFF2009 , MFF2010 , MFF2011 , MFF2012 , MFF2013 , MFF2014 , MFF2015 , MOTORCITYFC2014 , MOTORCITYFC2015 , MP2014 , RAINF2013 , TFF2014 , TFF2015 |
Cons planned: | - |
Toonyness: | 100 |
Partial Fursuit: | yes |
Special Types: | moveable jaw |
Available for performing: | no |
Characteristics: | Now with moving jaw and a smart-ass expression, runs around at cons and makes fun of just about everything in a sarcastic sense of humor. |
Notes: | Second build, once again by White Wolf. Moving jaw gets things thrown at him now. Fursuit Guest Of Honor at IndyFurCon 2013, featured on the convention's T-shirt. |
Suit Journal: |