Filter Fox

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Fursuit Name: Filter Fox
Database ID: 1642
Added: 2009-08-23
Last updated: 2009-08-23
Nb views: 2768
Species: fox
Gender: Male
Built by: Uck
Description: Blue fox with red hair, long fur and big squishy feet
Owner: Uck   
List fursuits owned by Uck
Created: 2002-09-01
First appearance: Burning Man 2002
Cons attended: FC2003 , FC2004 , FC2005 , FC2006 , FC2007
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Long blue fur made to filter all the dust out of the air in the Black Rock Desert. Awesome red mullet. Huge feet.
Notes: Member of the Blue Fox Group, 2nd place winners in FC2007's FNL.
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