Rygon the Crimson Dragon

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Fursuit Name: Rygon the Crimson Dragon
Database ID: 1649
Added: 2009-09-01
Last updated: 2011-06-03
Nb views: 2292
Species: dragon
Gender: Male
Built by: benzene6
Description: Rygon is my fursona
Owner: benzene6   
List fursuits owned by benzene6
First appearance:
Cons attended: AC2011 , MORPHIC2011
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 25
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes , foam head , balaclava head , moveable jaw , plushiesuit , spandex
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Rygon the Crimson Dragon is a happy-go-lucky dragon that is Red with a Yellow belly. He has White horns on the back of the head and also has Yellow hair on top of his head. He is my fursona.
Notes: There will be two versions on Rygon; the realistic version and the toony version. I'll be working on the realistic one first.
Suit Journal:
8-27-10 - Started to work on the head. Got a head cap made and started to work on the muzzle of Rygon.

9-1-10 - Stated to work on the head some more. Got further and it's starting to look good.

9-20-10 - Got the fur that I ordered for Rygon to get ready to work on him tomorrow (9-21-10)

9-22-10 - Rygon's head is almost completed. He's 85% completed now.

1-03-11 - Rygon is now completed.


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