Auruma V1-5

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Fursuit Name: Auruma V1-5
Database ID: 1655
Added: 2009-09-02
Last updated: 2009-09-02
Nb views: 3390
Species: husky
Gender: Female
Built by: Kitt Creations
Description: Built by Esuterure
Owner: KittCreations   
List fursuits owned by KittCreations
First appearance:
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 0
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types:
Available for performing: no
Notes: Auruma's head with a body suit that was intended for a white husky, but was later scrapped. The new paws were added to Auruma V2, therefore I call this V1.5 because it's half way to V2.
Still built by Esuterure.
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