Pup C Huggable

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Fursuit Name: Pup C Huggable
Database ID: 1818
Added: 2009-11-21
Last updated: 2009-11-21
Nb views: 1822
Species: dog
Gender: Male
Built by: Fun-Fur-All
Description: Brown Dog
Owner: Wolven Claw Peacemaker   
List fursuits owned by Wolven Claw Peacemaker
First appearance:
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: foam head
Available for performing: yes
Suit Journal:
Pup .C. Huggable was originally going to be named "Charity Pup" but after those plans went out the window his name was changed to "Pup .C. Huggable" which stands for "Pup Cute Huggable" and/or "Pup Canine Huggable."

He was purchased via FurBid/FurBuy (one of the two) through Fun-Fur-All as a pre-made sale/auction.

Originally a side character he has, like Wisdom, recently (more or less) became an official fursona.


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