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Fursuit Name: TricFoxx
Database ID: 189
Added: 2006-11-25
Last updated: 2006-12-09
Nb views: 4113
Species: fox
Built by: Darkstone Realms
Description: Brownish-Reddish small jumpsuit Fox Mascot
Owner: AlecTricFoxx   
List fursuits owned by AlecTricFoxx
Created: 2001-05-07
First appearance: Anthrocon 2001
Cons attended: MFF2002
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 25
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: helmet head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: This Fox Fursuit is one of the more common off-shelf Fur-Suits. The eyes are air-brushed screen-type though I have installed actual eye-glasses-type acrylic lenses (no refraction) so that they appear "wet" even in Furson. Never mind the air-brushed light-reflection in original iris.
Notes: This head has a Navy Air-craft carrier flight-deck personelle helmet velcroed in. This is so wearer can velcro and snap mask head into position for maximum real-eye to mask-eye allignment. Wearer can look around and see just about normal. Also has extra squirrel cage fan in other ear. Original Head only has a small 9~12 Volt DC fan just inside of one ear. Entire crotch of jumpsuit has subdued zipper for 'when nature calls' emergency situations. Tail can be restuffed with more poly~fiber~fill for fluffiness, also due to an added zipper. Wrist and Ankles have velcro to match-up with front paws and rear paws. (So they don't pull off so easy when jumping around alot). =^.^=
Suit Journal:
My nickname is "Alec Tric Foxx". It is a play on words to get a First, Middle, Last name out of "Electric Fox". The nickname "TricFoxx" was made up by furry friends. I like the way TricFoxx sounds. Funny, not 'til later did I realize the Initials are A.T.F. hee hee Bark! =^.^=


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