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Fursuit Name: Coyoroo
Database ID: 193
Added: 2006-11-26
Last updated: 2007-05-15
Nb views: 5450
Species: coyote , kangaroo
Gender: Male
Built by: Coy Walcott
Description: Coy the Coyote-Roo
Owner: Coy   
List fursuits owned by Coy
Created: 2006-10-10
First appearance: MFF 2006
Cons attended: FWA2007 , MFF2006 , RCFM2007
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head , moveable jaw , plushiesuit
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Coyoroo, my original character done in suit, although this was my first attemp, I will be working on a newer version soon.
Suit Journal:
The eyes were not finished in the first pic :P


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