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Fursuit Name: Zothene
Database ID: 1994
Added: 2010-02-28
Last updated: 2010-02-28
Nb views: 2849
Species: tiger
Gender: Female
Built by: Xywolf and Xyena
Description: Our first suit
Owner: Xywolf   
List fursuits owned by Xywolf
Created: 2010-02-26
First appearance: the day after it was made
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: 3D eyes , balaclava head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: An excitable curious tiger
Notes: our first suit. hopefuly more to go
Suit Journal:


Members: 4001

Fursuits: 4485

Photos: 20466