Tabbicus V2

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Fursuit Name: Tabbicus V2
Database ID: 2016
Added: 2010-03-12
Last updated: 2011-12-23
Nb views: 2720
Species: cat
Gender: Male
Built by: Lacy
Description: Blue and yellow polydactyl tabby cat
Owner: Tabbicus   
List fursuits owned by Tabbicus
Created: 2009-09-29
First appearance: Furconsin 2009
Cons attended: ANTHER2010 , CALI2010 , CALI2011 , EF2010 , FC2010 , FC2011 , FC2012 , FCONSIN2009 , FCONSIN2010 , FCONSIN2011 , RMFC2010 , RMFC2011
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: balaclava head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: As the character is a polydactyl, he has six fingers and six toes.
Suit Journal:

Fursuit Diary Outing stats

(Fursuit Diary is a mobile application developped by Keenora) (website)

Nb of outings: 1 Total duration: 00:03:11 Total distance: 73m


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