Fursuit Name: | Tungsten |
Database ID: | 215 |
Added: | 2006-12-11 |
Last updated: | 2008-08-21 |
Nb views: | 4447 |
Species: | meerkat |
Gender: | Male |
Built by: | Silver Meerkat |
Description: | Tooney Meerkat |
Owner: | SilverMeerkat |
Created: | 2006-05-01 |
First appearance: | Anthrocon 2006 |
Cons attended: | AC2006 |
Cons planned: | - |
Toonyness: | 100 |
Partial Fursuit: | no |
Special Types: | foam head |
Available for performing: | yes |
Characteristics: | Made entirely of montery mills seal plush, save for the fox black headfur, has undersuit padding and approximately 19 inch long parade style feet. vision is through eyes and mouth is open for breathing |
Notes: | Very large tooney meerkat(6'4") Intrests: Hugs, Bugs, Dancing, and Eating Cellphones. |
Suit Journal: |