Fursuit Name: | Foxpaws |
Database ID: | 2152 |
Added: | 2010-06-10 |
Last updated: | 2010-06-10 |
Nb views: | 2276 |
Species: | fox |
Gender: | Male |
Built by: | Kishowolf |
Description: | Fursuit for Foxpaws-zupe |
Owner: | Kishowolf |
Created: | 2010-03-01 |
First appearance: | Prancing Skiltaire March |
Cons attended: | CALI2010 |
Cons planned: | - |
Toonyness: | 75 |
Partial Fursuit: | yes |
Special Types: | foam head |
Available for performing: | no |
Characteristics: | Movable, separate jaw, THE EYEBROWS |
Notes: | Second suit. Made with less of a toony aspect, although retaining a bit of my style. First try with an all-foam head, which worked out well. Very very lightweight despite its size. Eyebrows are reminiscent of FLCL |
Suit Journal: |