Vitai Slade V2

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Fursuit Name: Vitai Slade V2
Database ID: 2158
Added: 2010-06-15
Last updated: 2014-09-30
Nb views: 11912
Species: white tiger
Gender: Male
Built by: joecifur
Description: Tribal white tiger fursuit
Owner: Vitai Slade   
List fursuits owned by Vitai Slade
Created: 2010-06-14
First appearance: Anthrocon 2010
Cons attended: AC2010 , AC2012 , AC2013 , AC2014 , EFF2013 , ESG2011 , ESG2012 , EWC2014 , FFIES2014 , FURLOW2013 , FWA2013 , FWA2014 , MFM2014 , MP2012 , MP2013 , MP2014 , RAINF2012
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes , foam head , digitigrade
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Tribal character with digitigrade legs and a fully sewn stripe pattern.
Notes: This fursuit has been retired. (2014)
Suit Journal:
Has Attended:
-Anthrocon 2010
-London Furs September 2010 Meetup
-Jacksonville Furs 2011 Annual Picnic
-Elliott's Spring Gathering 2011
-Furry Cruise 2011
-Elliott's Spring Gathering 2012
-Anthrocon 2012
-Megaplex 2012
-Rainfurrest 2012
-Furry Cruise 2012
-Furry Weekend Atlanta 2013
-Anthrocon 2013
-Megaplex 2013
-Furloween 2013
-Elliott's Fall Festival 2013
-Furry Cruise 2013
-Elliott's Winter Carnival 2014
-Furry Fiesta 2014
-Furry Weekend Atlanta 2014
-Anthrocon 2014
-Megaplex 2014
-Mephit Fur Meet 2014


Members: 4036

Fursuits: 4498

Photos: 20525