Ren Foxy

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Fursuit Name: Ren Foxy
Database ID: 2185
Added: 2010-06-30
Last updated: 2011-06-10
Nb views: 2641
Species: fox
Gender: Male
Built by: Uren Husky
Description: Based in Uren's fursona. Ren Foxy
Owner: Uren Husky   
List fursuits owned by Uren Husky
Created: 2010-05-23
First appearance: In a walk in a local park at SP
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: foam head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Fox, orange/brown/black/white furs, Ren is a fox, loves planes and helicopters and is a pilot.
He wears a military style jacket and baggy pants all the time, he's an aviator!!!
He loves flying machines, mainly planes, helicopters, balloons and zeppellins, etc.
Notes: Its first Uren Husky's fursuit ever made.

Was supposed to be Uren Husky's fursuit (a husky, duhh) but had to be modified for a fox (the appearance was not fitting)

After an incident in last 22th July 2010, the fursuit has been trashed.
Suit Journal:
05-23-2010 - Building started
07-08-2010 - Finished
07-09-2010 - First appearance during a walk in a local park.
07-22-2010 - Incident happened and the suit is gone.


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