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Fursuit Name: Nony
Database ID: 2209
Added: 2010-07-07
Last updated: 2011-11-06
Nb views: 2853
Species: kitsune , wolf
Gender: Male
Built by: Made Fur You
Description: 2 Tailed, Black and Gray, digitigrade, full fursuit
Owner: Nony   
List fursuits owned by Nony
Created: 2010-05-23
First appearance: Fur Now! - California 23 May 2010
Cons attended: AC2010 , AC2011 , AC2012 , CALI2010 , EF2012 , FC2012 , FCN2011 , MFF2010 , MFF2011 , MORPHIC2011
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: digitigrade
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: follow-me eyes, moveable jaw, resin eyes, balaclava head build, two removable tails, footpaws, hand paws, digitigrade body, padded digi inserts
Suit Journal:
Main Appearance - Fur Now! California on the 23rd of May 2010
First small scale Con - Califur 6 (2010)
First large scale Con - Anthrocon 2010

Cons / Events Attended:
Several Fur Now! California events (california)
Califur 6 2010 (california)
Anthrocon 2010, 2011 (pennsylvania)
Midwest Fur Fest 2010 (illinois)
Ohayocon 2011 (ohio)
FCN 2011 (michigan)
Anime Punch 2011 (ohio)
Morphicon 2011 (ohio)
MARcon 2011 (ohio)
Several dozen OSU-Furs events (ohio)

Cons / Events Planned: (at this time)
Midwest Fur Fest 2011 (illinois)
Anthrocon 2012 (pennsylvania)
Eurofurence 2012 (europe)


Members: 4036

Fursuits: 4498

Photos: 20525