Fursuit Name: | Xavakin the Timber Wolf |
Database ID: | 2279 |
Added: | 2010-08-13 |
Last updated: | 2010-08-13 |
Nb views: | 2143 |
Species: | wolf |
Gender: | Male |
Built by: | Akorn Studios |
Description: | A rambunctious timber wolf with chaotic tendencies and overall random nature. |
Owner: | TheSonicGod |
Created: | 2008-09-01 |
First appearance: | Midwest Fur Fest 2008 |
Cons attended: | AC2009 , AC2010 , AC2011 |
Cons planned: | - |
Toonyness: | 75 |
Partial Fursuit: | yes |
Special Types: | |
Available for performing: | no |
Characteristics: | Bouncy and random, this rare red-eyed wolf insists on being totally goofy, flopping his ears, and doing things that are probably not the best of ideas. |
Notes: | Created by Justin P. Reese, a.k.a. The Sonic God, character name was originally for a Dungeons and Dragons roleplay. Artistically conceptualized by Aerak and Alkora, owners of Akorn Studios. |
Suit Journal: |