Fursuit Name: | NeoPanTyger |
Database ID: | 2404 |
Added: | 2010-10-24 |
Last updated: | 2011-04-04 |
Nb views: | 4050 |
Species: | hybrid , panda , tiger |
Gender: | Male |
Built by: | RoseQuoll |
Description: | A Great Panda/Bengal Tiger Hybrid |
Owner: | NeoPanTyger |
Created: | 2007-09-29 |
First appearance: | RCFM 2007 |
Cons attended: | AC2008 , FWA2008 , FWA2009 , FWA2010 , MFF2010 , MFM2007 , MFM2008 , MFM2009 , RCFM2006 , RCFM2007 , RCFM2008 |
Cons planned: | - |
Toonyness: | 75 |
Partial Fursuit: | no |
Special Types: | mesh head , moveable jaw , one piece+head |
Available for performing: | no |
Characteristics: | There are dark panda spots around his green eyes. His chest area is black, like a Panda, and he has tiger stripes running down his sides and his forearms. He has some form of tiger pattern stripes on the sides of his face, the crown of his head, and on the back and tail. His feet are usually black. Being Orange, Black, White, and Yellow, he somewhat resembles Candy Corn. |
Notes: | He also aids in shutting the shop down. (See Bucktown Tiger). |
Suit Journal: |
<a> http://neopantyger.livejournal.com/ </a>