Toony Toofs

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Fursuit Name: Toony Toofs
Database ID: 2499
Added: 2010-12-29
Last updated: 2012-02-01
Nb views: 3226
Species: sabertooth
Gender: Male
Built by: bambiboo3
Description: Toony version of Toofs the Sabertooth
Owner: spottacus   
List fursuits owned by spottacus
Created: 2010-10-01
First appearance: MFF 2010
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types:
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Toony sabertooth
Suit Journal:
Version 1.0 has a zentai body, and was completed in 2010.

Version 2.0 with revised head will be a fullsuit, in progress, for completion in 2011


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