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Fursuit Name: Kantu
Database ID: 2614
Added: 2011-03-02
Last updated: 2011-03-02
Nb views: 1793
Species: husky
Gender: CrossGender
Built by: Nyxstium
Description: Husky/Wolf Hybrid
Owner: Wolfka   
List fursuits owned by Wolfka
Created: 2010-05-05
First appearance: Halloween 2010
Cons attended: FE2010 , FE2011
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: one piece+head
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Kantu is a herm of a hybrid husky/wolf with a checkered head of black and white with a hint of brown. He's a friendly pup always looking for a good hug and cuddle from close friends.
Suit Journal:
Started building the head and paws as an update to the main suit itself that was made back in 2000 but was lacking a proper head and paws (think child style adult halloween costume deal).

Some of the Fabric came from Fabric Land as did all the foam that was used to create the suit at a cost of over 100 buck, while the rest of the fabric came from Wal-Mart. Total cost of materials for the suit was about 300.00 CAD

Tail for the suit has not been completed as the owner of the suit prefers to use a tail that he got for himself else where.


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