Finnish Fox MPFS

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Fursuit Name: Finnish Fox MPFS
Database ID: 274
Added: 2007-01-22
Last updated: 2007-01-23
Nb views: 3333
Species: fox
Built by: Finnish Fox
Description: my second fursuit
Owner: finnishfox   
List fursuits owned by finnishfox
Created: 2006-06-10
First appearance: Anthrocon 06
Cons attended: AC2006
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head , wireframe head , mesh head , moveable jaw , one piece+head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: My second suit, much better then my first suit. it was built to replace my first one. It's a steel wireframe/mesh/foam combo and designed to survive a nuclear holocaust. the problem is the jaw doesn't work well and it's bloody hard to get into and out of
Notes: MPFS stands for Multi-Purpose-FurSuit, as the body is meant to be used with multiple heads
Suit Journal:
This suit took about six months to build from start to finish, but that's because I took my time and made a lot of mistakes. It's a new head and body, as well as a pair of feet. the head is a 14 gauge steel wire frame, so it's heavy. there are numerous other problems with the head and because of this, it too was retired about six months after construction on January 18th, 2007. The body is good and will be used for the final version of the fursuit.


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