Shigon the Dragon

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Fursuit Name: Shigon the Dragon
Database ID: 2746
Added: 2011-06-03
Last updated: 2011-08-07
Nb views: 1632
Species: dragon
Gender: Male
Built by: benzene6
Description: Purple with Blue Belly
Owner: benzene6   
List fursuits owned by benzene6
Created: 2011-07-22
First appearance: FurAffinity's webpage
Cons attended: AC2012
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: foam head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: A Navy Blue with a Blue belly dragon that is my fifth dragon of mine.
Notes: Starting to create it tonight using Shiron's and Rygon's techniques
Suit Journal:
6-3-11 - Creating Shigon starting tonight.

7-22-11 - Finished Shigon the Fun Dragon


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