Brayy Donkey

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Fursuit Name: Brayy Donkey
Database ID: 2786
Added: 2011-07-06
Last updated: 2011-07-06
Nb views: 2820
Species: donkey
Gender: Male
Built by: Hoofn , Rex
Description: Grey and camel donkey
Owner: Hoofn   
List fursuits owned by Hoofn
Created: 2010-12-01
First appearance: Further Confution 2011
Cons attended: AC2011 , FC2011
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes , foam head , moveable jaw , digitigrade
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: This is a grey and camel colored domestic donkey. He is a 4 yr old jack with a punk rocker personality sporting a purple mane and purple eyes. He is very friendly in person and loves to dance.
Notes: I commissioned this fur-suit from Rex, he built the head and body suit and the tail. I build the hand hooves and the hind hooves. The head has a moving jaw and head has follow eyes.
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