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Fursuit Name: Kibble
Database ID: 279
Added: 2007-01-24
Last updated: 2015-04-02
Nb views: 3440
Species: husky
Gender: Male
Built by: Blackfire
Owner: dingotush   
List fursuits owned by dingotush
Created: 2004-01-23
First appearance: Spiritfurs canal trip 2006
Cons attended: CONFUZ2008 , CONFUZ2009 , CONFUZ2010 , CONFUZ2011 , CONFUZ2012 , CONFUZ2013 , CONFUZ2014 , CONFUZ2015 , EF2006 , FC2007
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: mesh head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Notes: Originally created for Rakhan by Blackfire, and appeared at FC2004 as "Mush". Subsequently reworked by Sandroo and myself before being renamed "Kibble".
Suit Journal:
Spiritfurs canal trip 2006
First public appearance.
Southend Carnival 2006
Eurofurence 12
On loan to Utlah.
My first Furcon in suit.


Members: 4036

Fursuits: 4498

Photos: 20525