Fursuit Name: | Cody |
Database ID: | 28 |
Added: | 2006-09-09 |
Last updated: | 2013-07-05 |
Nb views: | 6117 |
Species: | german shepherd |
Gender: | Male |
Built by: | Arend Studios |
Description: | The german shepherd |
Owner: | Codydawg |
Created: | 2012-08-29 |
First appearance: | Kaisergarten, Oberhausen, Germany |
Cons attended: | CONFUZ2013 , CONFUZ2014 , EF2008 , EF2009 , EF2013 , EF2014 |
Cons planned: | - |
Toonyness: | 100 |
Partial Fursuit: | no |
Special Types: | foam head , balaclava head |
Available for performing: | yes |
Characteristics: | Cody was born and grew up in a small village in the south west of Germany, midway through the famous Black Forest. Although the valley he lived in featured a quiet and peaceful life as well as beautiful nature all around Cody never really felt like it was his true home. He often dreamed about exploring the world with all its different countries and cultures that offer so many new things to learn, see and do. A few years back Cody finally took his courage in both hands and decided to leave all his memories behind. He said good bye to his family and started an adventurous journey to see new places, meet new friends and discover new lifestyles. Cody made his dream come true and cruises around the world to experience new things until today. |
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