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Fursuit Name: Balto
Database ID: 2805
Added: 2011-07-27
Last updated: 2014-02-26
Nb views: 7046
Species: dog , wolf
Gender: Male
Built by: ScribbleFox
Owner: Balto   
List fursuits owned by Balto
Created: 2011-07-18
First appearance:
Cons attended: EF2011 , EF2012 , EF2013 , EF2014
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes , moveable jaw
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: A shy, but friendy Bastard, always wants to explore new things.
He will be a bit reserved in the first moment, but if he knows he can trust you, you can have a goo friend in him
Suit Journal:


Members: 4036

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Photos: 20525