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Both | Data | Photos |
Fursuit Name: | Georg von Falkenwrath | |
Database ID: | 2838 | |
Added: | 2011-08-11 | |
Last updated: | 2012-05-01 | |
Nb views: | 2361 | |
Species: | cat | |
Gender: | Male | |
Built by: | ![]() | |
Description: | Georg is a small cat with dark grey fur and black tabby stripes. He has a white tip on his tail and is most often found in his Chaplain's uniform. | |
Owner: | Euro
| |
Created: | 2011-08-04 | |
First appearance: | FC2012 | |
Cons attended: | MFF2012 , RMFC2012 | |
Cons planned: | - | |
Toonyness: | 75 | |
Partial Fursuit: | yes | |
Special Types: | balaclava head , moveable jaw | |
Available for performing: | no | |
Characteristics: | Timid and stutters when he talks, Georg is utterly docile and is always open to hugs petting should it be inquired. Georg is prone to waving to people from afar and, because he blushes easily, can be seen quite often hiding behind his paws in a shy fashion. He loves music, though is a clumsy dancer and has terrible balance. Ducks are his favourite animal and sometimes he can be found chasing after them in parks. | |
Notes: | Don't be afraid because of his uniform, for it is merely a uniform to him. | |
Suit Journal: |
August 4th, 2011 - Suit Completed
August 5th, 2011 - Taken out into the park, entertained the locals for a few hours. September 17th, 2011 - WWII Weekend Gettysburg, Wandered around town. |