Groggy V2

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Fursuit Name: Groggy V2
Database ID: 2877
Added: 2011-08-30
Last updated: 2011-08-30
Nb views: 1766
Species: fox
Gender: Male
Built by: GroggyFox (DerpDog)
Description: Orange and Blue Fox, Version2
Owner: GroggyFox   
List fursuits owned by GroggyFox
Created: 2009-08-22
First appearance: FC 2010 Picnic
Cons attended: AC2010 , AC2011 , ANTHER2010 , CALI2010 , CALI2011 , FC2010 , FC2011 , RAINF2010 , TFF2011
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes , mesh head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Character is based off of me, but in furry form. Identical characteristics as myself.
Notes: -Head made from plastic mesh and heat molded styrene as a base with foam for shape.
-Lower jaw snaps out and moves forward to allow moving jaw and ease of donning/removing head.
-Minimal electronics with some LED lighting at his ears.
-Blue Mohawk
-Overhead Projector Transparency based eyes with glow in the dark paint
Suit Journal:
-Made back in 09 as an orange fox.
-Used old body from Groggy V1
-Finished during FC campout, baked sculpey nose on iron skillet.
-Experienced Styrene enbrittlement from about mid 2010 onwards. Many repairs made, lots of styrene replaced with ABS.
-Blue added early 2011.
-Electronics added early 2011.


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