Groggy V1

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Fursuit Name: Groggy V1
Database ID: 2878
Added: 2011-08-30
Last updated: 2011-08-30
Nb views: 1279
Species: fox
Gender: Male
Built by: GroggyFox (DerpDog)
Description: Orange Fox, Version1
Owner: GroggyFox   
List fursuits owned by GroggyFox
Created: 2009-01-24
First appearance: Further Confusion 2009
Cons attended: CALI2009 , FC2009
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes , mesh head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Same as me but in furry fox form
Notes: -First suit
-Many design flaws
-Many revisions
-Started as a partial, bodysuit added later
Suit Journal:
-Made in 09 as first suit for first con
-85% of head made the night before FC 09
-Original Sculpey nose baked on car exhaust manifold at FC09
-finished rest of partial right before fursuit parade
-first thing I did in this suit was run into a pole
-original following eye design had fogging problem, plastic replaced April of 09 with buckram only eyes.
-original plastic mesh base had structural integrity issues, replaced in April 09 with styrene based snap out lower jaw and added teeth
-May of 09, added tongue
-July of 09, made bodysuit


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