Doppler V2

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Fursuit Name: Doppler V2
Database ID: 2880
Added: 2011-08-30
Last updated: 2011-08-30
Nb views: 1551
Species: fennec
Gender: Male
Built by: GroggyFox (DerpDog)
Description: Big Eared Red Fennec
Owner: GroggyFox   
List fursuits owned by GroggyFox
Created: 2010-01-22
First appearance: Further Confusion 2010
Cons attended: AC2010 , ANTHER2010 , CALI2010 , FC2010 , FC2011 , RAINF2010
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes , foam head , mesh head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Fun, playful, loves his ears, free wifi, glowy.
Notes: -Challenged myself to make larger ears than previous version
-Large ears, lighter than previous version, all foam
-Notched left ear
-EL wire in eyes and on back of right ear, one AAA inverter hidden in muzzle
-Plastic mesh, styrene, and foam based
-Switched from sculpey nose to plastidip nose
-Overhead transparency based eyes
Suit Journal:
-Throughout it's lifetime, suffered styrene enbrittlement, EL inverter issues, Styrene warpage
-added antenna around mid 2010


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