Q T Rabbit

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Fursuit Name: Q T Rabbit
Database ID: 29
Added: 2006-09-10
Last updated: 2006-09-10
Nb views: 5955
Species: bunny
Built by: Tyrin Lion
Description: White rabbit
Owner: Tyrin   
List fursuits owned by Tyrin
Created: 1999-01-01
First appearance: CF 10
Cons attended: CONFUR1999
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 0
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types:
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Built to look more like a plush, thus the face with no mouth. Skin tight body. Black speedo.
Suit Journal:
Was orginally built by me for Thumper to enjoy. Appeared at CF 10 and Furloween 99. I don't remember if I had it at FC 99 or not. The suit was sold in 2000 and was later eaten by a dog. RIP.


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