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Fursuit Name: BearinProgress
Database ID: 31
Added: 2006-09-10
Last updated: 2006-09-10
Nb views: 4284
Species: bear
Built by: Tyrin Lion
Description: Generic bear
Owner: Tyrin   
List fursuits owned by Tyrin
Created: 2005-06-01
First appearance: AC 2005
Cons attended: AC2005 , MFF2005
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 0
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types:
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Built from all one fur type. Parts of fur were shaved down to obtain a different color.
Suit Journal:
Starting building in late 04, finished in 05 before AC. Showed at AC and MFF in 2005. Sold to a gentleman in the UK in Aug 06.


Members: 4036

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