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Fursuit Name: Nepal
Database ID: 3233
Added: 2012-04-29
Last updated: 2012-04-29
Nb views: 9052
Species: snow leopard
Gender: Male
Built by: Midori
Description: Plushie suit
Owner: foxwolf9tails   
List fursuits owned by foxwolf9tails
Created: 2012-03-07
First appearance: FWA 2012
Cons attended: AC2012 , FWA2012 , FWA2013 , MFF2012 , MP2012
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: plushiesuit , one piece suit
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: He is a plushie fursuit. He has tags on his butt like a real plushie and has squeakers in his tail and forepaws. The suit has internal padding to help the pushiness. He loves hugging people and being cute. He is also a single piece and very trappable.
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