Fanged Rabbit

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Fursuit Name: Fanged Rabbit
Database ID: 324
Added: 2007-02-25
Last updated: 2010-08-12
Nb views: 5191
Species: bunny , wolf
Gender: Female
Built by: Joy the Bunny
Description: She includes a ead, full arms, full legs, tail, and feet. She is very friendly, and loves hugs and waving.
Owner: JoyTheBunny   
List fursuits owned by JoyTheBunny
Created: 2006-10-16
First appearance: Northgate Mall in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: yes
Special Types: mesh head
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: She is brown and white, with the typical markings of an Eastern Cottontail. She has blue eye, a pink nose and inner ears. Her ears are poseable and her eyes have a slight 3D effect. Her tail also squeeks ^.^
Notes: She currently includes: A head, full arms and paws, full legs, a tail, and paws.
Suit Journal:
She has been given new eyes, but I haven't taken any pictures yet.

This suit is retired.


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