Skreft LMont

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Fursuit Name: Skreft LMont
Database ID: 325
Added: 2007-02-25
Last updated: 2009-09-27
Nb views: 3368
Species: raccoon
Gender: Male
Built by: Silver Meerkat
Description: Brown Raccoon
Owner: skreft   
List fursuits owned by skreft
Created: 2005-07-21
First appearance: MFM 2005 (as a partial)
Cons attended: MFM2008
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 25
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Shifty, mischevious, playful
Notes: Worn as a partial to MFM 2005. Body finished before MFF 2005. Worn as either a partial or whole suit since then. 'Mask' of head is speaker foam, which allows great vision and ventilation.
Suit Journal:
The head, hand/foot paws, and tail were completed days before MFM 2005, so I wore it as a partial for that con. The body was finished roughly a month before MFF of the same year, and I wore the full suit to that con. I'm just learning how to perform, and I tend to like to hang out alot, so if I'm just standing around in suit, don't be afraid to walk up, and give me a hug.

I created a loincloth for the suit, giving it a more "Native American" appearance.


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