Theodore Swype

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Fursuit Name: Theodore Swype
Database ID: 3274
Added: 2012-05-26
Last updated: 2013-07-16
Nb views: 2294
Species: cat
Gender: Male
Built by: Monkau
Description: Fluffy black and white kitty
Owner: Monkau   
List fursuits owned by Monkau
Created: 2012-02-01
First appearance: Local fur meet.
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: moveable jaw
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: 4th suit head made by Monkau.
First cat head, 2nd balaclava base head.
first bodysuit made.

black and white cat with tan hair.
moving jaw.
resin following eyes with apoxie lids

Notes: now owned by Vlos
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