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Fursuit Name: Dekks
Database ID: 3339
Added: 2012-07-03
Last updated: 2012-07-03
Nb views: 2764
Species: german shepherd
Gender: Male
Built by: Made Fur You
Description: Just a fun loving sheppy who loves making people smile with his over-the-top energy!
Owner: Dekks_Shepherd   
List fursuits owned by Dekks_Shepherd
Created: 2012-05-18
First appearance: Edmonton MS Walk (WRC Event)
Cons attended: FE2012
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: A simple GShep with standard colors and slightly different markings that many other Gshep suits out there! It's not what I look like that brings me out from the crowd, It's my over the top personality!
Notes: Hugs are always Welcome!
Suit Journal:
Ooh! Whats that pointy thing on my screen?! Oh it's just my mouse cursor. MOUSE?! RUH-OH!


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