Sparky Dragon

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Fursuit Name: Sparky Dragon
Database ID: 3357
Added: 2012-07-17
Last updated: 2018-05-23
Nb views: 9283
Species: dragon
Gender: Male
Built by: Stickypawz Studios
Description: A big toony red and yellow dragon
Owner: ledgema   
List fursuits owned by ledgema
Created: 2004-06-20
First appearance: Further Confusion 2005
Cons attended: AC2012 , AC2013 , AC2014 , CALI2014 , FC2013 , FCN2012 , FE2012 , FE2013 , FE2014 , FE2015 , MFF2012 , MFF2013 , MOTORCITYFC2014 , MP2014 , WTF2013 , WTF2014
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head
Available for performing: yes
Notes: Uses a body pod to fill out the suit.

New hands and feet made by Wolfbird.

New eyes made by current owner.
Suit Journal:
Bought from previous owner in Jaunary 20th, 2012.

Attended Furnal Equinox 2012

Attended Furry Connection North 2012

Attended AnimeNorth 2012

Attended Anthrocon 2012

Attended Milton Pirate Fest 2012

Haunted Hamilton's Hallowe'en Costume Ball 2012

Attended Midwest FurFest 2012

Attended Further Confusion 2013

Attended Furnal Equinox 2013

Attended What The Fur? 2013

Attended Anime North 2013

Attended Niagara Falls Comic Con 2013

Attended ConBravo! 2013

Attended Milton Pirate Fest 2013

Attended Sterling Renaissance Festival 2013

Participated in the 2013 Wish Makers walk in Montreal

Attended GenreCon 2013

Haunted Hamilton's Hallowe'en Costume Ball 2013

Attended Midwest Furfest 2013

Attended Great Lakes Fur Con 2014

Attended Furnal Equinox 2014

Attended Motor City Fur Con 2014

Attended CostumeCon32

Attended SuperFan Comic Con 2014

Attended CaliFur 2014

Attended What The Fur? 2014

Attended Faery Fest 2014

Attended Oxford Renaissance Festival 2014

Attended Anthrocon 2014

Attended Con Bravo! 2014

Attended Niagara Falls Comic Con 2014

Attended Mexaplex 2014

Attended Milton Pirate Festival 2014

Attended Hamilton Comic Con 2014

Attended Fan Expo Toronto 2014

Attended Furnal Equinox 2015


Members: 4036

Fursuits: 4498

Photos: 20525