Velkro Tiger

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Fursuit Name: Velkro Tiger
Database ID: 35
Added: 2006-09-10
Last updated: 2010-03-24
Nb views: 4170
Species: tiger
Gender: Male
Built by: ByCats4Cats , Snap E. Tiger
Description: White tiger with velkro stripes
Owner: Snapcat   
List fursuits owned by Snapcat
Created: 2001-10-01
First appearance: Midwest Furfest 2001
Cons attended: AC2003 , FC2002 , MFF2001 , MFF2002 , MFF2003 , MFF2004
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 100
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types:
Available for performing: no
Characteristics: Peel em off and stick em on. 3 different sets of stripes are held on with velcro. Velkro was a big dumb animal. Thats the best way to describe it.
Notes: First suit made by me. standard suit body with mesh head. Seen on "Animal Imitators" a documentary made by Natural History New Zealand and aired on The Learning Channel (TLC) in August of 2003. he is currently living in a closet... for good.
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