DH Ferret

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Fursuit Name: DH Ferret
Database ID: 4110
Added: 2013-11-18
Last updated: 2013-11-18
Nb views: 2500
Species: ferret
Gender: Male
Built by: SokiTwoPaw
Owner: SokiTwopaw   
List fursuits owned by SokiTwopaw
First appearance:
Cons attended: MFF2013
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head
Available for performing: no
Suit Journal:

This was my idea. A very dumb idea. Like I always have before a convention I like to try to *do* something crazy! FC, make Lou. RF, re-do Lous antlers the day prior and make carbon Hooves. SO for MFF this year....

Lets make a fursuit in 24hrs. From start to finish!

Here is what I came up with!

The original idea was that he was going to be a cat because 1: I need to work on cats. and 2: Kitty Amazing from Mondo's 'Dick Figures'. But after watching the 'F*ck this' Ferret gif over and over. Laughing my butt off, I thought, why not!

The suit was built in 24 hrs plus or minus ten minutes. How?
1: Planning
2: Set materials out
3: Getting everything ready to go in advance.

From there, it was prep work for five hours and then nothing but straight assembly for the other nineteen. Starting at six in the morning and ending around 6:05+ or - the following morning. This was one fun suit to make!

I got to try a few things I've wanted to and he's a full out suit. Nothing was cheaped on and features:
V5 Feet
V5 Hand paws 'Simple'
Neck and under arm venting
Drop Crotch

I will be running around in him at MFF! Make sure to come up and say hi!

And as always, full photos are on:



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