Edward Fuzzypaws

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Fursuit Name: Edward Fuzzypaws
Database ID: 4521
Added: 2014-12-31
Last updated: 2014-12-31
Nb views: 2012
Species: dog
Gender: Male
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Description: Standard poodle full suit
Owner: Edward Fuzzypaws   
List fursuits owned by Edward Fuzzypaws
Created: 2014-05-01
First appearance: LondonFurs Summer Party 2014
Cons attended: CONFUZ2015
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 25
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: digitigrade
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Edward is a tri-coloured parti-poodle, loving a good dance, walk and play. He is always happy, bouncing in to make others smile :) He loves interacting with children and performing.
Notes: Edward is my first suit. His main body is divided into upper and lower to make it easier to wear (personal preference). He will have a toony version in 2015 for Confuzzled.
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