Teemu Pup

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Fursuit Name: Teemu Pup
Database ID: 4677
Added: 2015-09-26
Last updated: 2015-09-26
Nb views: 1887
Species: border collie , corgi
Gender: CrossGender
Built by: Hyena Hoy
Description: Just a pup who sort of resembles a PBJ Sandwich. A fun mix of colors and personality are shown in this suit
Owner: TeemuPup   
List fursuits owned by TeemuPup
First appearance:
Cons attended: CALI2014 , CALI2015
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 75
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: 3D eyes , foam head , balaclava head , plushiesuit , digitigrade
Available for performing: no
Suit Journal:


Members: 4036

Fursuits: 4498

Photos: 20525