Yu Puffin v3

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Fursuit Name: Yu Puffin v3
Database ID: 4734
Added: 2016-01-09
Last updated: 2016-03-20
Nb views: 1822
Species: puffin
Gender: Female
Built by: Yu Puffin
Description: A shy but fun-loving blue tufted puffin, back and better than ever!
Owner: yupuffin   
List fursuits owned by yupuffin
Created: 2016-01-09
First appearance:
Cons attended: -
Cons planned: -
Toonyness: 50
Partial Fursuit: no
Special Types: foam head , balaclava head , moveable jaw
Available for performing: yes
Characteristics: Yu has now undergone a complete revamp since her first version created in 2013! This blue tufted puffin has great vision and breathability with a moving-jaw head, as well as puffin-y padding for big poofy legs, and equally big flat feet. Since v2, she's gotten a new tail, new wings, and outdoor footpaws as well. All the revamps took three weeks of sewing!
Suit Journal:
Plans to attend Furlandia 2016 and Rainfurrest 2016.


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